
The <Accordion> and <AccordionItem> components are used together to display a list of content sections that can be toggled open by clicking the respective title of each section.


  • Content Section
  • Content Section
  • Content Section


<Accordion> <AccordionItem title='Title 1'>Content Section</AccordionItem> <AccordionItem title='Title 2'>Content Section</AccordionItem> <AccordionItem title='Title 3'>Content Section</AccordionItem> </Accordion>

Accordion Props

childrennodePass in the children that will be rendered within the Accordion
classNamestringSpecify an optional className to be applied to the container node

AccordionItem Props

titlenode‘title’The accordion title
renderExpandofuncprops => <button {…props} />The callback function to render the expando button. Can be a React component class.
iconDescriptionstring‘Expand/Collapse’The description of the expando icon
openboolfalsetrue to open the expando
onClickfunc() => {}The handler of the massaged click event.
onHeadingClickfunc() => {}The handler of the massaged click event on the heading.
childrennodeProvide the contents of your AccordionItem
classNamestringSpecify an optional className to be applied to the container node